The Historic Preservation Commission encourages and engages in activities pertaining to the preservation of the City’s historic resources. The Commission is responsible for establishing and maintaining an inventory of surveys on historic properties as required by City ordinance and State law. The Commission also makes recommendations on nominations for Local Historic District and Local Historic Landmark designations. The Commission reviews Certificate of Appropriateness requests for compliance with the City’s design criteria. The Commission also serves in an advisory capacity on matters pertaining to historic properties, such as National Register applications, planning and zoning applications, public projects, grants, and code amendments. In addition to the above duties, the Historic Preservation Commission engages in a number of programs that educate the community about the value of historic properties and historic preservation. These programs are listed below.

Historic Preservation Month Walking Tour

Each May, in honor of Historic Preservation Month, the Historic Preservation Commission hosts a walking tour in one of Cape Girardeau's historic districts.

Master Preservation Plan

The Master Preservation Plan was prepared in 1999 by Thomason & Associates under the direction of the Historic Preservation Commission. The plan provides a thorough examination of historic structures in the community and offers recommendations on future preservation activities.

Endangered Buildings List

In 2012, the Historic Preservation Commission released its first Endangered Buildings List. The purpose of the list is to identify properties in the City which, in the opinion of the Commission, are worthy of preservation but are at risk due to physical damage and/or long term vacancy. The goal of the list is to raise awareness of these buildings in the hopes that they may be saved.


2024 Endangered Buildings List
2023 Endangered Buildings List
2022 Endangered Buildings List
2021 Endangered Buildings List
2020 Endangered Buildings List
2019 Endangered Buildings List
2018 Endangered Buildings List
2017 Endangered Buildings List
2016 Endangered Buildings List
2015 Endangered Buildings List
2014 Endangered Buildings List
2013 Endangered Buildings List

Meeting Schedule

Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers and are typically preceded by a work session.

Staff Liaison

Ryan Shrimplin
City Planner
Planning Services - City Hall
44 N Lorimier Street
Cape Girardeau, MO  63701
573-339-6327 Phone
[email protected]

Now Announcing the First Original Treasure of 2025


The first Original Treasure of 2025 is located at 603 Henderson, west of SEMO University, formally known as the Himmelberger House. It was built in 1921 for Harry I Himmelberger and his family who were returning to Cape Girardeau after several years of living in Morehouse, Missouri. The house was built in the Neoclassical Revival style and was considered to be one of the finest homes in the area. Built of red mat brick, and Bedford stone, with a tile roof, it contained all of the modern appliances and conveniences of its day. The Neoclassical Revival style is known for its symmetry and emphasis on grand design. The Himmelberger House perfectly exemplifies this through its symmetrical set of 3, 3 over 1 sash windows that flank the doorway, along with a matching set on the second floor. Neoclassical Revival is also known for its Greek and Roman influences, which can be seen in the Doric columns on the porch. The house was designed by A.F. Lindsay, a well-known Sikeston architect of the day, and was built by Samuel Bouton of Cape Girardeau, who built many other fine homes in the area. No expense was spared as over 30,000 was spent on the materials alone. In 1952 the house was purchased by the university and has had many uses over the years. It was purchased in 2023 by architect Ben Traxel and his wife who have restored, renovated and reinvented the home into Rockwood Inn, a boutique hotel where they kept in mind the integrity of the original architecture.

Original Treasures is a yard sign program that recognizes historic buildings that have been preserved. To be eligible for Original Treasures, a building must be at least 50 years old, feature a unique architectural design or represent a vernacular style, and has been maintained in a manner that retains its architectural integrity.
  • Contact Info
  • 44 Lorimier Street Cape Girardeau, MO  63701
  • Telephone 573.339.6327
  • Email [email protected]