How does Fit4Life Employee Wellness work?
No registration is required. Simply start counting points using your Wellness Passport book anytime during the program, which begins Aug. 1 and ends May 31. You will earn points for every time you participate in an approved Fit4Life event. There is no minimum or maximum amount of points you can earn. At the beginning of the program, you will receive your Fit4Life Wellness Book from your department's Wellness Spokesperson.
Three categories in which to earn points:
1. Prevention
2. Lifestyle
3. Wellbeing
You can choose which categories interest you the most, or you can try to attend as many events as possible to keep learning.
Remember to track your participation at each approved event, and/or get the required signatures in your Fit4Life Wellness Book. Turn the Wellness Passport book (or online Excel spreadsheet) in to the Fitness and Wellness Specialist by June 15.