SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) is a software application used to gather real-time data from remote locations to control equipment and conditions. The City of Cape Girardeau uses SCADA in the operation of pumps, blowers, screening, grit removal, and drying system at our Wastewater Facility. It also monitors 32 sewage lift stations, five creek locations, the LaSalle Detention Basin, and eight rain gauges. Sensors at these locations send information to the central processor where it is gathered and displayed. Alarms and notifications can be set to alert if certain data criteria is met. Staff can also use SCADA to send information to control the equipment at the remote site without physically responding. This minimizes response time and saves money.
The sensors in the creeks and basin only measure and report water levels. Emergency Management can monitor the system and make evacuation decisions based on the data provided. They can also tell if a creek is obstructed by watching downstream flows.