Transfer Station
The City of Cape Girardeau opened a new Transfer Station on June 13, 2016 at 2055 Corporate Circle, 573-339-6353. It is open weekdays from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. and is closed on weekends and City holidays. Appliances, bulky items, and extra trash can be brought to our facility for disposal. Fees must be paid on site with cash, check, or credit/debit card. According to Missouri Revised Statutes 307.010 and City Ordinance Sec.26-220, all loads must be secured. Trailers without sides must be completely covered by tarps, truck tailgates must be up, and the disposal items cannot be hanging off the vehicle in any way. Any vehicle without its load completely covered will be assessed a $25 unsecured load fee in addition to the general disposal/white goods rate. Tires, batteries, motor oil, concrete, railroad ties, automobile parts, pesticides, oil based paint, and any other type of hazardous material are not accepted.