If you have a concern about the practices or personnel of the Cape Girardeau Police Department, what can you do about it? The Cape Girardeau Police Department's Citizen Complaint procedure helps you, the community, and the Police Department.
A positive relationship between the police and the public they serve-fostered by confidence and trust-are essential to effective law enforcement. While the police are charged with vigorous enforcement of the law, they must meticulously observe the rights of all people. At the same time, the police personnel must be free to take action in a reasonable, lawful, and impartial manner, without fear of reprisal.
It is important, therefore, that adequate provisions be made for the prompt receipt, investigation, and disposition of complaints regarding the conduct of Department personnel. To this end, the Cape Girardeau Police Department welcomes criticism and valid complaints against its members or procedures.
A complaint may be made at ANY time of the day or night. You may come in person to address your concern or you can call or write anonymously if you wish.
In person:
Cape Girardeau Police Department
2530 Maria Louise Lane
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Phone: (573) 335-6621
Complaints can also be mailed to the address above.
The person receiving your concern will ask you to provide as much information as possible regarding the incident. It is extremely important to the investigation that a statement is obtained from you.
From your statement, a citizen complaint form may be completed. If your concerns stem from an arrest or citation issued to a family member or yourself, depending on the circumstances, it might not be investigated until the legal matter has been settled.
A review of your concern could result in it being investigated in one of two ways. It will either be forwarded to the member's supervisor for inquiry or to the division commander for an investigation.
Each allegation is examined on its own merit. Formal investigations require investigators to contact all available witnesses, including police officers; examine any relevant physical evidence; and gather all information pertinent to each allegation made in the complaint.
The Chief of Police will render one of three findings in each case:
- Sustained: The investigation disclosed enough evidence to clearly prove the allegations.
- Non-Sustained: The investigation failed to reveal enough evidence to clearly prove or disprove the allegations.
- Unfounded: The investigation has produced sufficient evidence to prove that the act or acts alleged did not occur. This finding shall also apply when individual personnel named in the complaint were not involved in an act that did occur.
When a finding of "Sustained" is determined, corrective action will be taken. The type of corrective action imposed is subject to the provisions of the City of Cape Girardeau Personnel Policy Manual and the policies of the Cape Girardeau Police Department. Discipline may include counseling, training, and/or action up to and including termination.
If your complaint is sustained and punitive discipline is imposed, the employee has appeal rights. You may be required to testify at one or more administrative/criminal proceedings.
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