Parks & Recreation Stormwater Tax Initiative 

For many years, the Parks and Recreation Department had operated on a shoe-string budget. Many facilities needed significant repair and much of the equipment used to maintain them needed replacement. Citizens of Cape Girardeau saw the need and passed a 1/2 cent sales tax on April 8th, 2008. The improvements and new amenities that you see today, such as Cape Splash, would not have been possible without the passage of this tax and citizens who supported it.

Over 100 Missouri communities have already passed a sales tax for parks and storm water; many without a sunset clause. Cape's plan does include a 10-year sunset on 3/8¢ sales tax that will sunset September 30, 2018.  The remaining 1/8¢ for operations has no sunset.

100% of the revenue collected stays in the City of Cape Girardeau and by law must be used for parks and storm water initiatives. Studies have shown that 60% or more of the revenue collected are from non-residents visiting Cape to shop, work and play.

Click on a link below for project details!



Parks & Trails

  • Contact Info
  • 410 Kiwanis Drive Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
  • Telephone 573.339.6340
  • Email [email protected]
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