Apply Now for the
Transportation Trust Fund 7 Committee
Apply for the TTF7 committee using the general application at cityofcape.org/yourgov.
The Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) is a half-cent sales tax that has been renewed by Cape voters every five years since it was first approved in 1995. TTF projects are funded on a "pay-as-you-go" basis so that no money is borrowed to fund large-scale street projects.
This committee will start meeting in June, and ultimately develop a plan
to be put before the City Council for consideration for the April 2025
ballot. The 2025 TTF7 will focus more on the repair of current streets, rather than the construction of new streets.
The committee will gather and review street condition data and community input.
The TTF7 committee will include city staff, Planning & Zoning
Commission members, and an expanded number of positions for at-large members of the community to ensure that citizens from every ward in the city are represented. Applications for this committee will be due by Monday May 13.
Repair Progress Update April 2024
The City of Cape maintains more than 230 miles of street and 22 miles of
alleyways, which is roughly the same distance as a drive to St Louis
and back. Some roadway in Cape Girardeau is privately owned or
maintained by other agencies (such as Kingshighway). About two-thirds of
our streets are lighter-colored concrete and the remaining streets are
darker asphalt. Street Maintenance efforts are coordinated by both our
Public Works and Community Development Departments using funding from
the General Fund, Transportation Trust Fund, Capital Improvement Sales
Tax, and other sources when available.
The following is a list of our projects that are in progress, coming soon, or recently complete.
In Progress
Lexington Avenue (TTF6)
Construction began March 2024 and will take 18 months to renovate Carolina Lane to Sherwood Drive, and West Cape
Rock Drive to Big Bend.
Annual Transportation Trust Fund Repairs 2023-2024
Funded by the 2020 TTF renewal, construction will be completed in 2024.
- Perryville Rd. (Cape Rock - Sherwood) - NEXT
- Clark Ave. (Broadway - Lombardo) - ACTIVE NOW
- Completed in this series
- Luce St. (Sunset Blvd. - Caruthers Ave.)
- Bessie St. (West End Blvd. - Dead End)
- ElFrink St. (Butler St. - Cul-De-Sac)
- Elm St. (Ranney Ave. - Sprigg St.)
- Kingsway Dr. (Peach Tree St. – Kingshighway)
- Abbey Rd. (Lexington - Kenneth)
- Lynnwood Hills Dr. (Cape La Croix Rd. - Lynwood Baptist Private Drive )
- Pebble Ln. (South Lake Dr. - Dead End)
- East Lake Dr. (North Lake Dr. - Cul-De-Sac)
Annual Transportation Trust Fund Repairs 2024-2025
Funded by the 2020 TTF renewal, construction will be completed in 2024-2025.
- Two blocks of South Frederick
- Two blocks of South Middle Street
- Two blocks of South Jefferson Avenue
- Additional concrete repairs TBD
Coming Soon
Main Street
Full reconstruction, New Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks
Anticipated 2024+
Independence Street from Gordonville/East Rodney to Clark
Traffic Study to Address Congestion, Implement Recommendations from Study
Under Review
Improvements to the Route 74 /Minnesota Ave Intersection
The City and MoDOT will coordinate and cost-share on this project.
Anticipated 2024
Sprigg TTF6 – Shawnee to Southern Expressway
Construction 2024-2025. The survey work is complete.
Bertling TTF6 –Perryville to Big Bend
The survey work is complete. The project is scheduled for construction 2025-2026.
Veterans Memorial Dr Phase 6 - Hopper to Percy
The task order being executed by the City will include a topographic
survey and field work needed to complete acquisitions and the final
project design (not final construction).
Route K Safety Improvements
See more at www.modot.org/RouteKNotreDame
Recently Complete
West End Boulevard from Rose to Bertling funded by Transportation Trust Fund
Full reconstruction, New Curb and Gutter, Drainage Improvements, and Sidewalks, Streetlights
stormwater and a replacement sewer system is included in the project.
2023-24 Accelerated Street Repair Projects funded by Capital Improvement Tax Renewal
Portions of the following streets were completed this year.
- 1805 to 1841 Lakeshore Drive
- Lakeshore Drive at Bernice Street
- Lacey Street through the Southeast Health campus
- 204 to 290 Rockport Drive
- Beavercreek Drive from N. Mount Auburn Road to 3011 Beavercreek Drive
- 3075 to 3107 Beavercreek Drive
- Beavercreek Drive at Arrowhead Court
- Beavercreek Drive Cul-de-Sac
- S. Broadview Street from Tanner Drive to Golden Street
- 2007 to 2034 Kenneth Drive
- Fitzgerald Drive from N. Main Street to Cape Meadows Circle
- 516 to 1721 Cape Meadows Circle
- Cape Meadows Circle from 524 Cape Meadows Drive to McKenna Drive
- Cape Meadows Circle at Fitzgerald Drive intersection
Various Concrete Panel Replacements - Aug.-Sept 2023
- 1919 Ritter
- Near Intersection of Bertling and N. Sprigg
- 382 Barberry
- 203 S. Benton
- 222 Good Hope
- 214 Silver Springs near Rural King
- Blattner panel replacement near Mount Auburn
- Panels on Mount Auburn & Independence near that intersection
Sprigg Street from William to Broadway
Street Surface Replacement, Sidewalks, Right-Turn Lane at William/Sprigg
College Street
New street from South West End Blvd. to Minnesota Ave. complete with sidewalks.
Public Works
The Public Works Department has a small
crew who typically work on street repairs and pothole patching when
weather allows, as well as mowing and other tasks. Renewal of the
Capital Improvement Sales Tax provided an additional half million
annually for contracted concrete repairs.
Pothole Patching
patching is especially needed after a heavy winter. Water tunnels under
streets through defects caused by traffic, then freezes and expands
making the pavement also expand and weaken. When the ice melts, there is
sometimes a void left under the street. As traffic travels over the
weakened pavement, it breaks and forms potholes. Learn more at cityofcape.org/publicworks
Community Development Department
Our Community Development Department manages the majority of street construction and repair which is funded through the Transportation Trust Fund Program.
The annual Concrete and Asphalt programs are funded through TTF and are
usually completed by contractors in the warmer months.