City Street Repair Update
Council and staff discussed this at a May Council meeting. Watch the video on Youtube to learn more about how we prioriti
ze street repair funding every year.
Street Repairs Coming 2021
Public Works Department crews do rapid repairs regularly city-wide. In addition, they'll be managing the following concrete repairs this year (funded by the Capital Improvement Sales Tax Renewal of 2019 which included an extra $500,000 year to complete more repairs faster.)
- N. Henderson Ave. from 1421 N. Henderson Ave. to 801 N. Henderson Ave. - (COMPLETED)
- Louis St. from Montgomery St. to 529 Louis St.
- El Rio from/to TBD
- Lambert Dr. & Shirley Dr. Intersection.
- Masters Dr. from David St. to 2538 Masters Dr.
- Marvin St. from 2550 Marvin St. to 2546 Marvin St.
- Melrose Ave. from Westwood Dr. to Delwin St. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
- Amblewood from/to___ (COMPLETED)
- Sonnet Dr. from Amblewood Dr. to Parkmor Dr. (COMPLETED)
- Gina Dr. from Amblewood Dr. to Parkmor Dr. (COMPLETED)
- Koerber Dr. from Parksite Dr. to Dead End (COMPLETED)
- Juniper Dr. from 532 Juniper Dr. to Aspen Dr. (COMPLETED)
- Patricia St. from Thomas Dr. to 1068 Patricia St. (COMPLETED)
Community Development Department also outsources street repair projects for major TTF renovations and the following Concrete Street Repair coming in 2021 (funded by the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF).
- Greenbrier Drive from Yorktown Drive to Cambridge Drive
- Forest Avenue from Broadway to Woodlawn Avenue
- Themis Street from Sunset Boulevard to Keller Avenue
- Themis Street from West End Boulevard to Park Avenue
- Whitener Street from Keller Avenue to Louisiana Avenue
- Sheridan Drive from Independence Street to William Street
- Rusmar Street from Commercial Street to Minnesota Avenue
- The Intersection of Rust Avenue and Minnesota Avenue
RECAP: Major TTF Projects, Complete or Upcoming
The community has come a long way since the first TTF tax approved in 1995 paved the last of the City's gravel streets. An expansion phase followed and now there is a focus on maintenance. Tap the map below to see all major* TTF projects (*excludes smaller repairs such as those listed above).