Property maintenance requirements are designed to protect the public health, safety and welfare in all existing residential and non-residential structures, and on all existing premises. Property maintenance requirements apply to all premises, structures, buildings, equipment, and facilities for light, ventilation, space, heating, sanitation, protection from the elements, life safety, safety from fire and other hazards, and for safe and sanitary maintenance.
Fixing property maintenance violations is the responsibility of owners, operators and occupants. The standards also regulate the occupancy and use of existing structures and premises and provide for administration, enforcement and penalties.
Anyone within Cape Girardeau may make a property maintenance complaint. The complaint should be in relation to health, sanitation or safety. Some situations that may fall under the
Development Code ordinance regarding property maintenance and
health and sanitation ordinances are:
1. Properties perceived to have faulty electrical, plumbing or heating.
2. Properties open to the elements.
3. Properties with excessive trash and debris.
4. Properties in a state of dilapidation, deterioration or decay.

The items listed above are by no means exclusive. If you have a property maintenance concern or a complaint you can print an online complaint form, or contact us directly.
Complaints dealing with the structures and buildings should be directed to the Inspections Services Office by calling 573-339-6327, or visit the
Community Development Department office at City Hall.
Complaints dealing with weeds, trash and other problems around the property should be directed to the Police Department's
Nuisance Abatement office at 573-339-6621 ext. 1, or visit the office at the Police Station (2530 Maria Louise Lane).