City of Cape Girardeau Fit4Life Employee Wellness Program 

fit4life logoFit4Life is the City of Cape Girardeau Employee Wellness Program that provides a wide variety of programs and services to positively influence overall well-being. Fit4Life was created as a direct response to feedback provided by an employee survey, and is a program that readily adapts to the changing needs and desires of our employees. We enjoy serving our employees and their families in such a way that makes the City of Cape Girardeau a great place to work.

Fit4Life was chosen to remind employees that to achieve balance in life is one of the most beneficial aspects of overall health as we lead by example. We are here to serve the community of Cape Girardeau, and as we are here to help we must remember to take care of ourselves. A balanced life looks and feels different for everyone. Wellness is much more than merely physical health, exercise, or nutrition. It is the full integration of various dimensions of wellness including our physical bodies, minds, work and family environments, and much more.

The Fit4Life Program will strive to offer opportunities that provide help in these areas, however, the power to be Fit4Life depends on each individual. The Fit4Life City of Cape Girardeau Employee Wellness program wants to put that power within the hands of each and every employee through education and awareness, while providing the skills and opportunities necessary to accomplish your wellness goals.