Get Involved

Few organizations have more of an immediate impact on daily life than local/city government. City government provides water, streets, public safety, waste removal, recreation opportunities, jobs through economic development and more. Here is how you can get involved:

Citizen Academy
Have you ever wondered how local government really works? We will tell you, during the City's Citizens Academy! The annual Citizens Academy is a free 8-week series of classes designed to teach citizens about how their local government works for them.

YOU are the First Responder
Support fire, police, EMS and protect your family and neighborhood. Join the Community Emergency Response Team - CERT.

Empower Your Neighborhood!
Here are 5 easy ways to make your neighborhood great:
  1. Use social media to connect with neighbors (Nextdoor)
  2. Schedule a cleanup in your neighborhood
  3. Report nuisances (weeds, unsanitary conditions, etc.)
  4. Start a Neighborhood Watch or group
  5. Throw a block party! Get to know your neighbors!

Community Volunteering
Find local social service opportunities and other organizations here: RSVP-VIC 

Advocacy & Education
Residents are also needed to voice community needs to elected leadership, in the media and by learning and discussing local issues with your social groups. Learn more, schedule a speaker by contacting the Public Information Office.

Volunteer-Driven Progress
Thank you to our volunteers for creating this web page. Have more ideas? Contact us!

How to Start a Neighborhood Group

From formal Neighborhood Watch groups to a few neighbors getting together to discuss issues and solutions, it all starts with YOU and YOUR commitment to taking action at the neighborhood level. Contact the Public Information Office for more information or visit the Neighborhood Watch website. 

Join a Civic/Service Club

Get together with with others who want to make a difference, just like you.

Litter Teams Needed!

Litter comes from open bins, litterbugs and other sources. Let's do what we can to Keep Cape Beautiful! Take care of your street, organize a clean-up with your neighbors, church or other special groups.

Current Adopt-a-Roadway Volunteer Groups (litter pick-up, blue signs posted)
Contact us for more information if you want to get involved, too!

  • City of Cape Girardeau Public Works – Southern Expressway from Kingshighway to Sprigg
  • Prince Hall Mason of Harmony Lodge #40 – Sprigg Street from Hwy 74 to Southern Expressway
  • Preferred Community Services – Silversprings & Spruce to Silversprings & Independence

More City Government Volunteer & Internship Opportunities

Airport: Intern/volunteer would be expected to support staff, give tours and connect people to the Airport.

City Manager: Interns or volunteers can pitch projects or be assigned to specific projects and research. They will be expected to be creative and professional.

Development Services: Interns/volunteers will be expected to participate in administrative work, construction inspections, creating as-built plans, AutoCAD drafting, assisting the survey crew and preliminary design work.

Finance & Purchasing: Interns must be organized and patient. Tasks will include data entry and filing.

Parks and Recreation: Volunteers can always help keep our parks clean! Interns, volunteers and leaders could be a part of things like Friends of the Parks Day, Adopt a Street and City Boards.

Public Information: Interns/volunteers are needed to produce video, photo, blogs, and to update the website. Projects involve all City departments and functions.

Public Library: Volunteers are needed for special projects, events, and programs. Contact the Library Director for more information at 573-334-5279.

Public Meetings, City Council, Advisory Board and Commissions:
Volunteers are needed to serve on the City's many Citizen Advisory Board and Commissions. Volunteers will attend regular meetings.

Police & Public Works: Intern/Volunteer could support staff in various ways. Contact the department to offer your idea.