On April 5, 2011, Cape Girardeau voters approved the renewal of one of two ¼-cent
capital improvement sales taxes (CIST) thru Dec. 2037 to replace the Wastewater Treatment Facility. Find more information on that facility at
On Aug. 6, 2019, voters renewed the other ¼-cent CIST for 15 years for infrastructure improvement and maintenance as described below.
The total City sales tax rate is 2.75%. Most taxes sunset and are subject to voter renewal. Read more about how they fund public safety, parks and streets at
About Capital Improvement Sales Taxes (CIST)

In the 1990s, voters approved the first two ¼-cent "Capital Improvement Sales Taxes" (CIST). They provided the following improvements:
- Water treatment plant renovation and system
- Transitioning Cape from Mississippi River
water to well water.
- New Wastewater Treatment Plant on flood-free higher ground.
- Eliminated combined sewer and stormwater pipes
- Various other sewer improvements.