Week One - Disaster Preparedness 
Procrastination is normal behavior for many of us. We don’t think about cleaning out the gutters until it is raining; We don’t think about putting gasoline in the car until the gas gauge is on empty; We don’t think about going to the grocery store until we are out of milk and bread.

Unfortunately, disasters happen whether we are ready or not. Procrastination should not be an option when preparing for disasters.

In Southeast Missouri, we frequently experience flooding, severe weather, and the loss of electricity for an extended period of time. Having a plan will not shelter you and your family from these disasters but a plan will make dealing with these disasters more tolerable.

Numerous resources are available to assist you and your family in planning for disasters. Attached are three (3) you may find useful.

I believe it was Ben Franklin who said an “ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” If you have not done so, develop a Disaster Plan before it is needed.

May you and your family stay safe!

Gary Hill
Building & Code Enforcement Manager



Posted by beth.little On 04 May, 2020 at 8:10 AM  1 Comment

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